Original Branch

Branch of feminine and masculine expression, composed of the following stages of consecration:
Aspirants, Monastics, Monastics with First Degree of Eternal Vows, Monastics with Second Degree of Eternal Vows,
Monastics with Eternal Covenant with Christ.

Consecrated Sons of the Advent of Christ, also called Brothers in Christ

Branch of masculine expression, composed of Priests and Fathers.

Daughters of Christic Charity

Branch of feminine expression, composed of Sisters and Mothers.

Consecrated Daughters Devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Consecrated Sons Devoted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Branch of feminine and masculine expression.

Ministry of Priestly Prayer

Branch of femenine expression composed of Sisters and Mother who have the task of praying for all the priests of the world. 

All the members of the Monastic Branches profess four basic vows: austerity, chastity, obedience and service.
As the degrees of consecration advance, the following vows are assumed: detachment, humility and silence.


Adorers of the Eucharistic Body of Christ

Branch of feminine and masculine expression.
They profess the following vows of consecration: prayer, adoration and service.

Helpers of the Divine Mercy of Jesus

Branch of feminine expression.
They profess the following vows of consecration: prayer, unconditional service and mercy.